Atheism music
From Atheism United
Revision as of 11:11, 26 January 2013 by ParToutatis (Talk | contribs)
Lists of atheist, skeptic and rationalist songs & musicians
Alabama Atheist's Music, a selection of songs about Atheism, agnosticism, religious doubt and ridicule
'Satan Is Real' Atheist Music Blog, a huge list of songs related to atheism, rationalism & science
Wikipedia's List of atheists in music
Musicians and groups who explicitly support atheism, skepticism and rationalism
Bad Religion, punk rocking since 30 years and counting
DJ Madson (Brian Flemming), The God Who Wasn't There's film & soundtrack
Graydon Square
George Hrab
Irreverend James and the Critical Mass Choir, godless gospel
Shelley Segal on Souncloud
Drew Stedman on Facebook
Symphony of Science
Specific songs of note (Anthems)
Faithless, by Rush