Recent Changes

From Atheism United
Revision as of 22:04, 29 October 2011 by Wonderist (Talk | contribs)

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The Recent Changes 'Special page' tracks the latest changes to this wiki, allowing community members to keep up to date on what's been going on here.

<== A link to Recent Pages is on the navigation menu to the left. A wiki link can be made to Recent Changes like this one: Special:RecentChanges

If any vandalism occurs, it is up to the community members patrolling Recent Changes to catch it and revert the changes. The more people who are watching Recent Changes, the more healthy the wiki will be. Just be careful. It's awfully easy to become a Recent Changes junkie!

There is a feature called Enhanced Recent Changes, which requires JavaScript, but which appears quite a bit nicer to use than the plain-old Recent Changes. The setting can be adjusted in each community member's My preferences special page, which appears at the top right when logged in. A direct link to 'My preferences' is: Special:Preferences.