Atheist Sites 2
Atheist/Atheism/Agnostic/Humanist sites are listed below. All of these sites are part of a larger network that has significant search engine value. For example these sites will have an .blogspot or .wordpress as part of their domain.
Atheist Informative
Atheist Havens Volunteers to assist young adults that are kicked out or disowned by their family due to their atheism.
gnuatheism wiki
Gathering, The
Mohammed Image Archive
Infidels.EU / Satan.LT
Sanswoo is designed around a Google custom search engine which includes hand-picked sites for valuing science and evidence over superstition and wishful thinking.
Podcasts and Internet Broadcasts
Appreciate Your Mind
Evolution 101
Godless Bitches
A Particular Blog By A Particular Atheist
Abandoning Eden
Adam Lee
Agnostic Thinking
Alencon's Place
Deity Shmeity
Inquiring Minds
Living After Faith
Skeptical Obstetrician, The