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[http://www.iamanatheist.com I am an atheist]<br>
[http://www.iamanatheist.com I am an atheist]<br>
[http://wiki.ironchariots.org Iron Chariots Wiki ]<br>
[http://wiki.ironchariots.org Iron Chariots Wiki ]<br>
[http://www.MargaretDowney.com Margaret Downey fan site]<br>
[http://www.nobeliefs.com No Beliefs ]<br>
[http://www.nobeliefs.com No Beliefs ]<br>
[http://www.positiveatheism.org Positive Atheism ]<br>
[http://www.positiveatheism.org Positive Atheism ]<br>
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http://www.atheistparents.org/ Atheist Parents <br>
http://www.atheistparents.org/ Atheist Parents <br>
== For Children ==
[http://www.camp-quest.org Camp Quest]<br>
[http://www.freethinkingteens.com Freethinking Teens]<br>
[http://www.wittyhumanistyouth.org/ Witty Humanist Youth]<br>
== Skeptical Sites ]<br> ==
== Skeptical Sites ]<br> ==
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[http://scepticsbook.com/ Skeptics Book of Pooh-Pooh, The]<br>
[http://scepticsbook.com/ Skeptics Book of Pooh-Pooh, The]<br>
== Atheist Bloggers ==
(this should be a very very long list, we need to find all the wordpress and blogger people)
PLEASE HELP: Ensure this list of blogs is in the list below: http://www.onlinecourses.net/best-atheistic-blogs <-- really bad definition of atheism, great links to blogs<br>
Look at the blogroll of atheist blogs for ideas.<br> 
== Podcasts and Internet Broadcasts ==
Best 10 feeds should be picked here.
[http://bigthink.com/blogs/daylight-atheism Adam Lee ]<br>
[http://www.wordpress.com/adumbape/ A Dumb Ape ]<br>
[http://freethoughtblogs.com/alstefanelli Al Stefanelli ]<br>
[http://atheistapologist.com/ Atheist Apologist ]<br>
[http://atheistcamel.blogspot.com/ Atheist Camel ]<br>
[http://baconeatingatheistjew.blogspot.com Atheist Jew, The ]<br>
[http://atheistperspective.net Atheist Perspective ]<br>
[http://www.atheistrev.com/ Atheist Revolution ]<br>
[http://barrelsofmonkey.blogspot.com/ Barrels of Monkey]<br>
[http://beautifulblackatheist.blogspot.com Beautiful Black Atheist ]<br>
[http://benfromcanada.blogspot.com Ben from Canada ]<br>
[http://freethoughtblogs.com/blackskeptics/ Black Skeptics Group ]<br>
[http://www.alabamaatheist.org/ Blair Scott ]<br>
[http://www.slumdance.com Brian Flemming ]<br>
[http://www.BrianSapient.com Brian Sapient]<br>
[http://coffeelovingskeptic.com/ Coffee Loving Skeptic ]<br>
[http://commonsenseatheism.com/ Common Sense Atheism]<br>
[http://crossexaminedblog.com/ Cross Examined ]<br>
[http://www.DangerousTalk.net/ Dangerous Talk ]<br>
[http://bigthink.com/blogs/daylight-atheism Daylight Atheism ]<br>
[http://freethoughtblogs.com/alethianworldview Deacon Duncan ]<br>
[http://new.exchristian.net/ Ex-Christian ]<br>
[http://justafiestygirl.wordpress.com/ Feisty Girl]<br>
[http://friendlyatheist.com Friendly Atheist, The ]<br>
[http://freethoughtblogs.com/greta/ Greta Christina ]<br>
[http://www.goddiscussion.com/ God Discussion ]<br>
[http://thegodlessmonster.com/ Godless Monster ]<br>
[http://godless-skeptic.blogspot.com/ Godless-skeptic ]<br>
[http://www.thegoodatheist.net/ Good Atheist, The ]<br>
[http://freethoughtblogs.com/bluecollaratheist Hank Fox ]<br>
[http://leavingthequietroom.blogspot.com/ Joe Zamecki]<br>
[http://debunkingchristianity.blogspot.com/ John W. Loftus ]<br>
[http://www.justinvacula.com/ Justin Vacula ]<br>
[http://larianlequella.blogspot.com/ Larian Lequella ]<br>
[http://blog.case.edu/singham/ Mano Singham]<br>
[http://marktindall.blogspot.com/ Mark Tindall ]<br>
[http://www.miketheinfidel.com/ Mike the Infidel]<br>
[http://newatheism.blogspot.com/ New Atheism by Trance Gemini ]<br>
[http://atheists.org/blog/ No God Blog ]<br>
[http://theperplexedobserver.tumblr.com/ Perplexed Observer, The ]<br>
[http://thecaudallure.com/ Pete Darwin ]<br>
[http://www.rationallyspeaking.org/ Professor Massimo Pigliucci ]<br>
[http://www.rationalresponders.com/blog/sapient Rational Responders Sapient]<br>
[http://www.examiner.com/atheism-in-national/staks-rosch/ Staks Rosch ]<br>
[http://freethoughtblogs.com/almostdiamonds Stephanie Zvan ]<br>
[http://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/ Steve Wells ]<br>
[http://sbsoapbox.blogspot.com/ Susi's Soap Box ]<br>
[http://tuibguy.com/ Tangled Up In Blue Guy ]<br>
[http://www.patheos.com/blogs/unreasonablefaith/ Unreasonable Faith]<br>
[http://blog.atheia.gr  Atheist Union of Greece] (in Greek)<br>
[http://english.atheia.gr Atheist Union of Greece] (in English)<br>
[http://epic-atheist.blogspot.com/ Greek atheist blogger] (in Greek)<br>
[http://diagoras.wordpress.com/ Diagoras, Greek atheist blogger] (In Greek)<br>
[http://sfrang.blogspot.com/ Sfrang, a greek atheist blogger ] (In Greek)<br>
[http://onthewaytoithaca.wordpress.com/ EvanT] (in Greek)<br>
[http://toomanytribbles.blogspot.com/ Toomanytribbles]<br>
[http://www.heavingdeadcats.com/ Heaving Dead Cats]<br>
== Podcasts and Internet Broadcasts ==
[http://www.americanfreethought.com/wordpress/ American Freethought ]<br>
[http://www.americanfreethought.com/wordpress/ American Freethought ]<br>
[http://apartmentj.com/category/a-news/  A-News ]<br>
[http://apartmentj.com/category/a-news/  A-News ]<br>
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[http://www.ohnopodcast.com/ Ross and Carrie, two sceptics ]<br>
[http://www.ohnopodcast.com/ Ross and Carrie, two sceptics ]<br>
== Atheist Authors and Celebrities ==
[http://www.religulous.com Bill Maher ]<br>
[http://www.celebatheists.com Celebrity Atheists ]<br>
== list ==
[http://www.buildupthatwall.com Christopher Hitchens Online Directory ]<br>
[http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/incbios/dennettd/dennettd.htm Daniel Dennett ]<br>
[http://davidmills.net David Mills ]<br>
[http://www.georgecarlin.com/home/home.html George Carlin ]<br>
[http://www.juliasweeney.com/letting_go_mini/index.html Julia Sweeney ]<br>
[http://www.richarddawkins.net Richard Dawkins ]<br>
[http://www.richarddawkins.net Richard Dawkins ]<br>
[http://www.samharris.org Sam Harris ]<br>
[http://www.samharris.org Sam Harris ]<br>
[http://www.michaelshermer.com/ Michael Shermer ]<br>
[http://www.michaelshermer.com/ Michael Shermer ]<br>
== Science ==
Medicine category?  Evolution category?<br>
[http://www.badastronomy.com Phil Plait] <br>
[http://www.badastronomy.com Phil Plait] <br>
[http://www.badscience.net/ Bad Science]<br>
[http://aidsmyth.blogspot.com/ Correcting AIDS Lies]<br>
[http://vaccinesandevolution.blogspot.com/ Facts not Fantasy about Vaccines]<br>
[http://justthevax.blogspot.com/ Just the Vax]<br>
[http://theness.com/neurologicablog/ Neurologica]<br>
[http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/  Pharyngula]<br>
[http://www.project-reason.org/ Project Reason] <br>
[http://www.quackometer.net/ Quackometer]<br>
[http://www.quackwatch.org/ Quackwatch]<br>
[http://www.senseaboutscience.org/ Sense about Science]<br>
[http://www.skepticblog.org/ Skeptiblog]<br>
[http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/ Science Based Medicine]<br>
[http://sciencebasedpharmacy.wordpress.com/ Science Based Pharmacy]<br>
[http://www.vaccinetimes.com/ Vaccine Times, The]<br>
[http://www.virology.ws/ Virology blog]<br>
[http://www.whatstheharm.net/ What's the harm?]<br>
[http://theness.com/neurologicablog/ Neurologica Blog]<br>
[http://photoninthedarkness.com/ Photon in the darkness]<br>
[http://www.eurekalert.org/ EurekAlert]<br>
== Blasphemy ==
[http://www.blasphemychallenge.com Blasphemy Challenge]<br>
[http://www.venganza.org/ Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ]<br>
[http://www.venganza.org/ Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ]<br>
[http://www.rationalresponders.com/ceiling_cat Ceiling Cat Pictures]<br>
[http://godisimaginary.com/  God is Imaginary ]<br>
[http://godisimaginary.com/  God is Imaginary ]<br>
[http://www.invisiblepinkunicorn.com/ipu/home.html Invisible Pink Unicorn ]<br>
[http://www.invisiblepinkunicorn.com/ipu/home.html Invisible Pink Unicorn ]<br>
[http://jesusfetusfajitafishsticks.blogspot.com/ JesusFetusFajitaFishsticks]<br>
[http://www.thepurposeofchristmas.net/ Purpose of Christmas]<br>
[http://blasphemystore.com/ The Blasphemy Store]<br>
== Exposing Religion ==
[http://www.thebricktestament.com/ Brick Testament ]<br>
[http://www.evilbible.com/ Evil Bible ]<br>
[http://www.evilbible.com/ Evil Bible ]<br>
[http://www.losingmyreligion.com/ Losing my Religion ]<br>
[http://www.losingmyreligion.com/ Losing my Religion ]<br>
[http://www.pissybishop.com/ Pissy Bishop ]<br>
[http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/ Skeptics Annotated BIble ]<br>
[http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/ Skeptics Annotated BIble ]<br>
[http://whywontgodhealamputees.com/ Why Won't God Heal Amputees ]<br>
[http://whywontgodhealamputees.com/ Why Won't God Heal Amputees ]<br>
== Arts and Entertainment ==
[http://soundcloud.com/amanda-bloom Amanda Bloom ]<br>
[http://greydonsquare.bandcamp.com/ Greydon Square ]<br>
[http://authormeanders.com/ M.E Anders ]<br>
[http://www.nakedpastor.com/ Naked Pastor ]<br>
[http://www.booktalk.org/ Booktalk ]<br>
[http://www.freethinkermatch.com/ Freethinker Match ]<br>
[http://thehumanist.org/ The Humanist Magazine ]<br>
== Humor and Satire ==
== comedy ==
[http://www.bettybowers.com Betty Bowers, Satirist ]<br>
[http://www.samsingleton.com/ Brother Sam ]<br>
[http://www.ceilingcat.com/ Ceiling Cat ]<br>
[http://www.fstdt.com/ Church of Subjenius]<br>
[http://www.ComedyJesus.com Comedy Jesus ]<br>
[http://www.ComedyJesus.com Comedy Jesus ]<br>
[http://www.darwinawards.com/ Darwin Awards]<br>
[http://www.darwinawards.com/ Darwin Awards]<br>
[http://www.freethunk.net/ FreeThunk!]<br>
[http://www.freethunk.net/ FreeThunk!]<br>
[http://www.subgenius.com/ Fundies Say the Darndest Things!]<br>
[http://www.subgenius.com/ Fundies Say the Darndest Things!]<br>
[http://www.iamanatheist.com/ I Am An Atheist]<br>
[http://www.jesusdressup.com/ Jesus Dress up ]<br>
[http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ Landover Baptist]<br>
[http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ Landover Baptist]<br>
[http://www.lolcatbible.com/ lol Cat Bible ]<br>
[http://www.mrdeity.com/  Mr Deity ]<br>
[http://www.mrdeity.com/  Mr Deity ]<br>
[http://unfollowingjesus.com/ Unfollowing Jesus]<br>
[http://unfollowingjesus.com/ Unfollowing Jesus]<br>
[http://www.jesusandmo.net/ Jesus and Mo]<br>
[http://www.timminchin.com/ Tim Minchin ]<br>
[http://www.timminchin.com/ Tim Minchin ]<br>
[[Category:Activist To-Do List]]
[[Category:Activist To-Do List]]

Revision as of 07:52, 8 November 2011

ACTIVISTS: An additional project is needed. To help stream all of the content from around the world of atheism we plan to employ RSS feeds to bring a constant stream of updated happenings in the world of atheism. The list below are the groups I think will provide the best content for our purposes. Could you please go to the sites below and find the rss feed on the homepage. If you know there is another rss feed on the site specifically for atheist news or current events please seek it out and post that as well. The format of this page isn't important, it just needs to be understandable. All of the data is being transferred to another location after we've retrieved the rss feed info. This page will likely remain as a reference list.

Look at the feed, if it's not news, current events, rants against religion, link to a current podcast, or something similar, please remove the link from this page and we'll avoid posting the RSS. I noticed the RSS feed on Atheist Nexus was just user data, like names of users, that's a good example of what we'd avoid here. There are some great feeds out there, this page seeks to find the 20-50 best. We don't need blog feeds as we'll have our own blogs. We can make an exception for freethought blogs considering that this site would like to show it's public support for them considering we will end up being a similar site.

Non-Prophet Orgs

American Atheists
American Ethical Union
American Humanist Association
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
Atheist Alliance International
Atheist Alliance America
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - AHA foundation
Black FreeThinkers
Black Nonbelievers of Atlanta
Brights, The
Center For Inquiry, The
Church of Reality
Clergy Project, The
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry(CFI Affiliate)
Foundation Beyond Belief
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
Freedom From Religion Foundation, The
Freethought Association of Canada
Freethought Society, The
Humanist Chaplaincy, The
International Humanist and Ethical Union
Internet Infidels
Institute for Humanist Studies
Interfaith Youth Core
International Humanist and Ethical Union
James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF)
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF)
National Federation of Atheist, Humanist, and Secular Student Societies, The
Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
Secular Coalition for America
Secular Coalition for Alabama
Secular Student Alliance, The
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Triangle Freethought Society
United Coalition of Reason

Activist Organizations (exclude non-profits)

This section for groups known for their activism but they DON'T have 501c3 status.

Rational Response Squad, The

Charitable Atheist Causes

Atheist Volunteers
Foundation Beyond Belief
Earth Bound Pets
Atheists For Humanity

Atheism Awareness and Understanding

Atheism Tube
Atheist Activist
Atheist Empire
Atheist Nation
Brights' Net, The
Celebrity Atheists
Free Thought Debater
Gathering, The
gnuatheism wiki
Godless in America
I am an atheist
Iron Chariots Wiki
No Beliefs
Positive Atheism
Secular Web, The
Skeptic's Dictionary, The

Secular families

http://www.atheistparents.org/ Atheist Parents

Skeptical Sites ]

Australian Skeptics
James Randi (JREF)
Skepdoc, The
Skeptic North
Skeptical Obstetrician, The
Skeptics Society, The
Skeptics Book of Pooh-Pooh, The

Podcasts and Internet Broadcasts

Best 10 feeds should be picked here.

American Freethought
Angry Atheist
Ask an Atheist
Atheists Talk
Atheist Viewpoint, The
Bible Geek Show, The
Big Picture Science
Black FreeThinkers
Chariots of Iron
Critical Eye
Culture Shocks with Barry Lynn
Dogma Free America
Drunken Skeptics, The
Emery Emery the Ardent Atheist
Equal Time For Freethought
Evolution 101
For Good Reason with D.J. Grothe
Freethought Radio
Freethought Radio Network
Freethought Zone with Mark Mythos, The
George Hrab & the Geologic Podcast
Humanist Network News
Imaginary Friends Show
Infidel Guy
Living After Faith
Non-Prophets, The
Planetary Radio
Pod Delusion, The
Point of Inquiry
Pseudo Scientists
Public Reality Radio
Rationally Speaking
Rational Response Squad
Reality Check, The (Canada)
Reap Sow Radio
Reasonable Doubts
Scientific American
Skeptic Zone, The (Australia)
Skeptically Speaking
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, The
Star Talk with Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Think Atheist
Token Skeptic
Truth-Driven Thinking
Voice of Reason, The
Ross and Carrie, two sceptics


Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Michael Shermer
Phil Plait
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
God is Imaginary
Invisible Pink Unicorn
Evil Bible
Losing my Religion
Skeptics Annotated BIble
Why Won't God Heal Amputees


Comedy Jesus
Darwin Awards
Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
Landover Baptist
Mr Deity
Unfollowing Jesus
Tim Minchin