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− | This page is fully editable to add in new names. The original authors of this page are from [http://creationwiki.org/List_of_Atheistic_YouTube_Channels creationwiki]. Original authors included, Shinydarkrai94, Tsommer, and Walsheternal. | + | This page is fully editable to add in new names. The original authors of this page are from [http://creationwiki.org/List_of_Atheistic_YouTube_Channels creationwiki]. Original authors included, Shinydarkrai94, Tsommer, and Walsheternal. This page exists under the [http://creationwiki.org/CreationWiki:GNU_Free_Documentation_License GNU free documentation license.] |
Revision as of 05:12, 9 November 2011
This is a list of Atheist, Agnostic and Naturalistic channels on YouTube. All of these YouTube channels have one or more videos relating to Christianity, Religion, Naturalism or other associated beliefs like God or morality.
Syntax: Name - Atheist/Agnostic/Scientist...etc; Gender; Basic summary
- 06clared - Agnostic; Unknown; Presents topics from a very neutral position.
- 10thdim - Atheist; Male
- 1GOD1JESUS - Atheist; Male; Spoofs Christianity by pretending to be a vulgar, immoral and hateful Christian.
- 1metallica1 - Atheist; Male
- 1rishshaman - Atheist; Male
- 2bsirius - Atheist; Female
- 29harveydinio - Atheist, English Literature Student; Male
- 420simpson - Atheist, Zoologist student; Male
- 43alley - Atheist; Male; Reads the Bible from an atheist's point of view. Argues that God and the Bible are evil.
- 4711inside - Atheist
- 55ella2007k - Atheist; Female; Discusses many political and cultural topics, such as foreign policies. Makes occasional atheistic videos.
- 5madheathans - Atheist; Male
- 6stringbadger - Atheist; Male; Not many videos. Discusses miracles and responds to a couple Christians.
- A4AgnstcFndmntlst - Agnostic
- aajoeyjo - Atheist
- abraves257 - Atheist
- AbusiveAntitheist - Atheist; Male; Discusses moral argument, presuppositional apologetics, fine tuning argument and the kalam. Makes a couple other atheistic videos covering other topics.
- adamsfanatic - Atheist; Male; Discusses death.
- agentofdoubt - Atheist; Male; Discusses skepticism, biblical contradictions and religion.
- AGodlessProgressive - Atheist; Male; Responds to several Christians and Thunderf00t.
- AHughman08 - Atheist; Male; Discusses arguments against God and refutes arguments.
- Ainulindale21 - Atheist; Male; Makes evolutionary videos.
- AjPuj - Atheist; Male
- AKASquared - Atheist; Male; Discusses evolutionary arguments and morality.
- Akatam0t0ma - Atheist; Male; Makes videos against Islam and responds to several people.
- Al1981X - Atheist; Male
- Alber10110 - Atheist; Male
- AldusValor - Atheist; Male; Makes videos about atheism, morality and responses to Christians.
- alexkaapa - Atheist; Male; Discusses omnipotence, omniscience, morality, free will and the problem of evil.
- allbabiesareatheists - Atheist; Male; Discusses morality and responds to several atheists and christian videos.
- allianceofdemons - Atheist
- AlmightyAtheismo - Atheist;
- alteredlabel - Atheist; Female
- americancritiquer - Atheist; Male
- AmerikanAtheist - Atheist; Male; Makes many atheistic videos including free will and problem of evil videos.
- AMNHorg - Atheist
- AmosTheTalented - Atheist; Male
- AnarchistPhilosopher - Atheist
- Anastasia1me1kanter - Atheist; Female
- AncientAtheist - Atheist
- AndromedasWake - Agnostic
- anglicantian - Atheist
- angryislander56 - Atheist
- AngryWomble - Atheist, Geologist (pursuing Masters)
- annaomeara - Atheist; Female;
- Answersinbooks - Atheist
- anti1theist - Atheist
- AntiCitizenX - Atheist; Male
- AntiHateAllianceAHA - Atheist
- antybu86 - Atheist
- anubis2814 - Atheist
- aposticism - Atheist
- ArchyFantasies - Atheist, Archeologist
- arise212 - Atheist, Ex-Christian; Male;
- AronRa - Atheist; Male; Makes videos supporting evolution.
- ArrogantAtheist - Atheist
- ArsenicCigarettes - Atheist; Female
- ArtificialSouls - Atheist
- AsheIsTheRaven - Atheist
- askegg - Atheist
- aSpoonfedTribe - Atheist
- AtheistAddiction - Atheist
- AtheistApe5 - Atheist
- AtheistAtheistAddiction - Atheist
- AtheistAtLARGE - Atheist; Male; Discusses creationism and Christian arguments. Responds to several Christians.
- atheistaussie - Atheist
- Atheistblindchick - Atheist
- Atheistbork - Atheist
- AtheistBrit - Atheist
- atheistcartooons - Atheist
- atheistevangelist - Atheist
- AtheistExperience - Atheist
- AtheistIreland - Atheist
- AtheistMediaBlog - Atheist
- atheistmediadotcom - Atheist
- AtheistParodies - Atheist
- AtheistPlanet2 - Atheist
- atheiststream - Atheist
- AtheistUnite - Atheist
- AuntieDiluvian - Atheist
- aZeroGodist - Atheist
- azrienoch - Atheist(?)
- azsuperman01 - Atheist
- BadScienceForFools - Atheist
- barefoodID - Atheist
- BaronesaReturns - Atheist
- BayAreaLen - Atheist
- bchoii - Atheist(?)
- bdona4556 - Atheist
- Beausafk - Atheist; Male
- BENY0HAMA - Atheist
- Best0fScience - Atheist
- bewarethelizards42 - Atheist
- bfl3tcher - Atheist
- BigAtheist - Atheist
- billzybobb - Atheist; Male
- BionicDance - Atheist
- bitbutter - Atheist
- blackadderthe4 - Atheist
- BlackAtheistsAmerica - Atheist
- BluJugganaut - Atheist
- BornWithoutReligion - Atheist
- BoundlessEyes - Atheist; Female
- Brascofarian - Atheist
- bretppalmer - Atheist
- bunnygotfree - Atheist
- bushonomics - Atheist
- C0ct0pusPrime - Atheist
- C0nc0rdance - Atheist
- CanadienAtheist - Atheist
- CapnOAwesome - Atheist; Male;
- Capn0Ordinary - Atheist; Male
- captaindisguise - Atheist
- caseagainstfaith - Atheist; Male
- cdk007 - Atheist
- cembadmins - Atheist; N/A
- centerforinquiry - Atheist; N/A
- cfiontario - Atheist; N/A
- championofhell - Atheist
- chattiestspike2 - Atheist
- chris3325 - Atheist; Male
- ChrisRodda2 - Atheist; Male
- christinepeace - Atheist
- christheatheist - Atheist
- Christofer7 - Atheist; Male; Discusses many religious topics.
- ChristopherHitchensV - Atheist
- ChurchOfKali66619 - Atheist
- Clutchology - Atheist; Male
- CobraJones - Atheist
- CollinMaessen - Atheist; Male
- ComedyJesus - Atheist
- CommonReason - Atheist; Male
- CompletelyLovely - Atheist
- conferencereport - Atheist; Male
- conradleviston - Atheist
- ContraPoints - Atheist; Male
- corvardus - Atheist
- Coughlan000 - Atheist; Male
- Coughlan616 - Atheist; Male
- CountHektor - Atheist; Male; Discusses philosphical concepts, morality and atheism.
- CousinoMacul - Atheist; Male
- crapswithbears - Atheist
- CrazyPastorFred - Atheist;
- crazypills2 - Atheist
- CreativeFreedoms - Atheist(?), Anti-Islam
- csbair - Atheist; Male; Makes many anti-Nephilim Free videos.
- CultOfDusty - Atheist
- Curas1 - Conservative Atheist; Male
- CyborgAtheist - Atheist
- DailyHitchens - Atheist; Male;
- DailyHitchens22 - Atheist; Male;
- DaithiDublin - Atheist; Male
- DaMaXMaN - Atheist
- dangerouslytalented - Atheist
- danihc - Atheist
- Danmill23 - Atheist; Male;
- dannypantsGM - Atheist
- Dar0A0Nakk - Atheist
- DarkMatter2525 - Atheist
- Darwinsgift - Atheist
- DasAmericanAtheist - Atheist
- daswann14 - Atheist
- dawkinschannel - Atheist; Unknown;
- DeamonCohln - Atheist
- DeamonStorm666 - Atheist
- dechha1981 - Atheist
- decojuicer - Atheist; Male
- deconverts - Atheist; Male; This channel contains a deconversion series that is ongoing.
- DesertPhile - Atheist; Male
- DesteniProductions - Atheist; N/A; Makes various anti-God videos.
- devchelle2 - Atheist; Male
- dewinthemorning - Atheist; Female
- dgeypscun - Atheist; Male
- Dhorpatan - Atheist
- DirtManandRibWoman - Atheist; Male
- DiscoveringReligion - Atheist
- Divinity33372 - Atheist; Female
- djarm67 - Agnostic
- DLandonCole - Atheist
- DMCAabuse - Atheist
- Dom0nePhilosophy - Atheist
- DonExodus2 - Atheist; Male;
- DonQuixotedeKaw - Atheist
- doubtingED - Atheist
- dprjones - Atheist
- DrixDZanth - Atheist
- dtm52 - Atheist; Male;
- Dudewheresmynapalm - Atheist
- duesexnihilum - Atheist
- dugges - Atheist;
- dumoktheartist - Atheist; Male
- DylanTheAtheist - Atheist; Male
- dynamiteruby - Atheist
- eagleeye1975 - Atheist; Male; Makes political and economical videos. Discusses evolution and responds to several Christians.
- eddygoombah - Atheist
- edenscancer - Atheist
- EdwardCurrent - Atheist
- edwardtarte - Atheist, ex-catholic preist; Male;
- eequalsfb - Atheist
- Eidos84 - Neutral;
- eightfootmanchild - Atheist; Male
- eimajun0 - Atheist
- Elaina43 - Atheist
- emblemOFbeing - Atheist; Male
- eminescinescu - Atheist
- EpicDrama2011 - Atheist(?)
- EpochOfReason - Atheist;
- ernestbecker - Atheist; Male
- Ethrock - Atheist;
- Evid3nc3 - Atheist; Male; Makes videos often revolving around his deconversion from Christianity to Atheism.
- EvoBiologist - Atheist, Masters in Biology; Male; Makes videos about evolution.
- EvoGenVideos - Atheist
- EvolvedAtheist - Atheist
- ExMuslimUK - Atheist;
- ExtantDodo - Atheist
- FactVsReligion - Atheist
- falchion49 - Atheist, Archeologist; Male; Makes videos criticizing biblical archeology
- FearsEdge - Atheist
- FederalistFilms - Atheist; Male
- FelidaTheGeek - Atheist
- FeministWhore - Atheist; Female
- Feredir28 - Atheist
- FFreeThinker - Atheist
- FFreeThinker2 - Atheist
- fighting1fefnir - Atheist; Male
- FightingAtheist - Atheist; Male
- Fileworthy - Atheist; Female;
- FinallyFreeFromFaith - Atheist
- finchfrance - Atheist; Unknown; Author of Skeptic's Annotated Bible(?)
- finlarg - Atheist; Male
- firefly4f4 - Atheist; Male;
- FishHeadSalad - Atheist
- FlyingEvolutionist59 - Atheist
- flyingscience - Atheist, Paleontologist; Male
- ForaTv - Neutral; N/A
- ForBibletruth - Atheist
- forcedidentity - Atheist; Male;
- freedom0speech - Agnostic
- FreeFromAllGods - Atheist
- freespeechvidsupdate - Atheist
- freetaught - Atheist; Male
- freethinker3161 - Atheist
- FreethinkerChronicle - Atheist; Female; Discusses the types of atheists and has a song about atheism.
- FreeThinkingWoman88 - Atheist; Female
- FSAthe1st - Atheist; Male; Creates a lot of anticreationist videos and debunks many creationists such as NephilimFree.
- g0at - Atheist; Male
- gabiotta - Atheist
- Gamutman - Atheist; Male
- GeauxTiger - Atheist
- Gigano1986 - Atheist; A few videos about evolution
- GIIVideo - Atheist
- gingergreek - Atheist
- GloomBoomDoom - Atheist; Male;
- Glyphreader - Atheist; Female
- GodIsDellusion - Atheist
- GodlessFreedomNow - Atheist; Female
- Godlesshayes - Atheist
- Godlesspanther - Atheist
- GodLowDown - Atheist; Male
- GodVids - Atheist
- gogreen18 - Atheist
- gothatfunk - Atheist
- gothstar14 - Atheist
- goxster - Atheist; Male
- Grapplingignorance - Atheist
- gratex - Atheist
- GreatBigBore - Atheist
- Greathiway - Atheist; Male
- greydonsquare - Atheist; Male;
- GSTOLyarovII - Athiest; Male; Defends atheism and argues against various theist arguments.
- GuineaPigDan - Atheist; Male;
- gulbirk - Atheist;
- gusb232 - Atheist; Male
- h8uall66 - Atheist; Male;
- hairyreasoner - Atheist
- hal2017 - Atheist
- hallycon - Atheist
- HappyCabbie - Atheist
- haque33 - Atheist;
- healthyaddict - Atheist
- hellboundalleee - Atheist; Female
- HellishBrutality - Atheist
- hereticdottv - Atheist;
- HerGlassBones - Atheist; Female
- hitchenschannel - Atheist; Unknown;
- Hobbes391 - Atheist
- hobbitsarecool - Atheist
- hoffmanallison - Atheist
- HolonsNetwork - Atheist; N/A
- holybabble - Atheist;
- holysinecure - Atheist; Male;
- honestdiscussioner - Atheist; Male; Discusses many philosophical topics and refutes many Christian arguments.
- HonestTechnoAtheist - Atheist; Male
- howdaworldtwerks - Atheist;
- idkwhenidie - Atheist
- Imaginefree69 - Atheist
- ImaniTMisfit - Atheist
- imrational - Atheist; Male
- infinitedeity - Atheist
- Inmendham - Atheist; Male;
- Inmodiaswetrust - Atheist
- InternalCompass - Atheist;
- InTheEndIWasRight - Atheist
- Islamicslavery - Atheist
- IsThereAnAfterlife - Atheist; Male;
- ItchiroCannotDie - Atheist
- ItsTheSuperFly - Atheist
- Itzippy2 - Atheist
- jacobspinney - Atheist
- JaguarJ0nes - Atheist
- JamesMorlan - Atheist; Male; Debunks Shockofgod and talks about theological concepts.
- JamesRandiFoundation - Atheist
- JasperAvi - Atheist; Male
- jblev2 - Atheist; Male
- Jennifurret - Atheist; Female
- Jesusophile - Atheist, Theist spoofer; Male; Pretends to be a Christian and mocks Christians. Makes videos on evolution, homosexuality, sex and morality.
- Jimb0can - Atheist
- jimmyRRpage - Atheist; Male
- JJSunAZ - Atheist
- johncrwarner - Atheist; Male;
- johndavidbert - Atheist; Male
- JohnHenryAlex - Atheist; Male
- Joniversity - Atheist; Male
- jordanowen42 - Atheist; Male
- joyell222 - Atheist; Female; Makes videos about evil Christians and how God is evil.
- JRChadwick - Atheist;
- JstNEarthling - Atheist
- Junosden - Atheist
- k-rina - Atheist
- kalsolarUK - Atheist;
- Katalyzt - Atheist
- katiefershadybaby - Atheist
- keippernicus - Atheist; Male; Responds to several creationists.
- KellyJones00 - Atheist
- kerryfox - Atheist; Male
- keuriseudo - Atheist;
- KevinTThoms - Atheist; Male; Many atheistic videos.
- khdeconvids - Atheist
- KingHeathen - Atheist
- kirke420 - Atheist
- KirneH004 - Atheist
- kjlg74 - Atheist
- Klingschor - Atheist; Male; Anti-Islam channel.
- klomckin - Atheist
- knightshadepro - Atheist; Male
- KnownNoMore - Atheist
- komatiiteBIF - Atheist, Geologist; Male; Makes videos supporting evolution.
- kookyinc - Atheist
- KT45 - Atheist
- KurdstanPlanetarium - Atheist
- Largo64 - Atheist; Male;
- LatumWay - Atheist
- LBiolSci - Atheist; Unknown; Submits evidence that God does not exist.
- LeagueOfReasonTV - Atheist
- Lefayad1991 - Atheist; Male
- Legodesi - Atheist
- LennyBound - Atheist
- LeVoixNoire - Atheist
- LiberalViewer - Atheist; Male
- LibertyIsNotGiven - Atheist
- lineridergod - Atheist
- lionn420 - Atheist; Male
- LithodidMan - Atheist, Biologist; Male;
- LJonYT - Atheist
- LogicalThinker667
- lolwuthomes - Atheist
- LordClydeofOMAR - Atheist; Male
- lordthehawkeye - Atheist; Male
- Loreleila - Atheist; Female
- Lorientalist - Atheist
- Lovingdoubt - Atheist
- MacNutz2 - Atheist; Male
- MagnesiumMichael - Agnostic; Male; Responds to several Christians.
- magnusmentis - Atheist; Unknown; Uploads monologue "Letting Go of God"
- MartinJWillett - Atheist
- MarquellGarrett - Atheist
- Mattmon2 - Atheist
- mbnp1701 - Agnostic
- megachepo - Atheist
- megoofychick - Atheist; Female;
- melsbasketcase - Atheist; Female
- Memosphere - Atheist
- meridianfrost - Atheist
- messiahjonz - Atheist; Male
- MetaBob - Atheist
- michaelpayton67 - Atheist; Male
- MichaelShermer - Atheist
- Microtardz - Atheist
- MikeOfKorea - Atheist
- miksedene - Atheist; Male
- misterdeity - Unknown
- misterwobblehead - Atheist; Male
- mkv1901 - Atheist; Female
- moomay1949 - Atheist;
- Morrakiu - Atheist
- mr1001nights - Atheist; Male; Has a couple of videos on religion including one on the gospel of Nicodemus.
- MrEnrique223 - Atheist; Male
- MrEvilution777 - Atheist; Male;
- mrkrov - Atheist; Male
- mrkurt13 - Atheist; Male
- mrodub - Atheist; Male
- MrsBettyBowers - Atheist; Female
- mrtruthfinder1975 - Atheist
- msginca - Atheist
- MsMaxy74 - Atheist; Female
- MsPurefiction - Atheist
- MsScienceFTW - Atheist; Female
- murderd2death - Atheist
- MyLovelyDame21 - Atheist
- MythandSymbols - Atheist; Male; Argues that Jesus was a myth.
- Nanee715 - Atheist
- NatCen4ScienceEd - Atheist; Female
- nauroticdax - Atheist;
- ndjarnag - Atheist;
- Neanderthalcouzin - Atheist
- nelliediddle - Atheist
- neotropic9 - Atheist; Male;
- Nessrriinn - Atheist; Female; Anti-Islam channel.
- nethius - Atheist; Male;
- Netwriter - Atheist
- newscientistvideo - Atheist
- nixonfanatic - Atheist
- njb444 - Atheist
- noelplum99 - Atheist
- NonProphetsRadio - Atheist;
- Nonstampcollector - Atheist; Male; Makes cartoons criticizing the Bible and Christian doctrines.
- nosp4rrow - Atheist
- not1delusion - Atheist
- notinmyname2050 - Atheist; Male
- notNECESSARILYgod - Atheist; Male
- Noworkbum - Atheist
- NykSciPhi - Atheist; Male
- Nykytyne2 - Atheist; Male
- NZARH - Atheist; N/A
- obsceniteaser - Atheist
- OGjimbo - Atheist
- oldfartrants - Atheist; Male; Discusses christianity and other topics.
- OmniousVoice1 - Atheist; Male; Discusses a couple of religious topics.
- onespecies - Atheist
- OnKneesforJesus3 - Atheist;
- onlywhenprovoked - Atheist; Male; Talks about his best friend who converted.
- optimalridge - Atheist
- Orygyn - Atheist
- OukaKisa - Atheist, Student of biology; Male;
- owheydusoapsk - Atheist
- ozmoroid - Atheist;
- pamew - Atheist; Male
- Palmergedd0n - Atheist
- paranorma1palace - Atheist;
- parodyking23 - Atheist
- patcondell - Atheist
- patricianatheist - Atheist
- paulchartley - Atheist
- PaulsEgo - Atheist
- pennsays - Atheist; Male; Creates several atheistic videos about various topics and also vlogs.
- PFUNK1 - Atheist; Male; Discusses many several atheistic videos.
- Pharaoh481 - Atheist
- philhellenes - Atheist
- Philosophobia - Atheist
- PhilStrohmann - Atheist
- PhysicalConservative - Atheist
- PiroNiro - Atheist
- pixelatedxdeath - Atheist
- PJDesseyn - Atheist; Male
- pjscreed - Atheist
- PlutonGB - Atheist;
- pointmanzero - Atheist
- pokerslut530 - Atheist
- P0YKPAC - Atheist; N/A; Jesus satire video
- potholer54 - Atheist, Geologist; Male
- Potholer54debunks - Atheist, Geologist; Male; Makes videos criticizing creationism.
- Powerm1985 - Atheist; Male
- prettynormalweirdo - Atheist; Female
- princenoobsauce - Atheist
- professoranton - Atheist, Scientist; Male
- ProfMTH - Atheist
- ProportionalResponse - Atheist
- proteanview - Atheist
- Prplfox - Atheist
- PT109Boat - Atheist
- PunchSydeiron - Atheist; Male
- PwnageAllstars - Atheist
- pyrrho316 - Ahtiest; Male; Makes philosophical videos(?)
- pzmyers - Atheist; Male; PZ Myer's official channel
- qdragon1337 - Atheist
- QuadError - Atheist
- QualiaSoup - Atheist; Male; Makes videos discussing philosophy.
- rabbitpirate - Atheist
- RabidApe - Atheist
- RaeofSunder - Atheist; Female
- rationaldreaming - Atheist
- rationalmuscle - Atheist; Male;
- RationalResponse - Atheist
- rationalwarrior - Atheist
- realman1000000000000 - Atheist; Male; Discusses global warming and atheism vs christianity videos.
- reckingmachine - Atheist; Male
- redliterocket4 - Atheist; Male
- ReignbowSmite - Atheist
- RelaxGodfolk - Atheist
- ReligionFreeDeist - Atheist
- ReligionIsACrutch - Atheist; Male
- ReligionIsCancer - Atheist
- ReligionThink - Agnostic
- religiousantagonist - Atheist
- ReligiousFiction - Atheist
- revtyson - Atheist
- rezzy - Atheist; Male; Has a video about which people atheism accepts.
- rgbda - Atheist
- RHYMEMAIDEN1 - Atheist
- richarddawkinsdotnet - Atheist
- rkwatson - Agnostic; Female;
- roblesterfilms - Atheist
- RobNorthampton - Atheist
- RobTheMonk8 - Atheist
- rockafellateatime - Atheist
- rocketmagnet - Atheist
- RockingMrE - Atheist; Male
- rozeboosje - Atheist
- rtottenc - Atheist
- RyuOni1989 - Atheist
- SaganAppreciationSoc - Atheist; Unknown
- SagansCosmos - Atheist
- salarsvids - Atheist
- Sarahon06 - Atheist
- SardonicSkeptic - Atheist; Male
- Sardonicskeptic5 - Atheist; Male
- Scheckig - Atheist; Male; Has one video discussing his lack of hatred towards God.
- SchizophrenicQueen - Atheist; Female
- SchrodingersFinch - Atheist
- ScienceReasnRational - Atheist; Unknown;
- ScienceTV - Atheist
- ScouseCaspaXS - Atheist
- seanbedlam - Agnostic
- SeasideAtheist - Atheist; Female
- SecularAstronomer - Atheist; Male
- secularhumanist - Atheist; Male; Makes various videos responding to Christianity.
- SecularStudents - Atheist
- SentientRaven - Atheist
- seriouslysilly4 - Atheist
- SgtDICTION - Atheist; Male; Responds to several Christians.
- shanedk - Atheist
- ShwaNerd - Atheist; Male; Makes vegeta cartoons relating to religion.
- Silversoul7 - Atheist; Male
- silverstream314 - Atheist
- SingleEyeMovement - Atheist;
- siriusmined - Atheist; Male
- sisterberthabangers1 - Atheist; Female
- SisyphusRedeemed - Atheist; Male;
- SkallagrimNilsson - Atheist
- skeptictvshow - Atheist
- SkidRowRadio - Atheist; Male;
- skierkowa - Atheist; Male
- skydivephil - Atheist;
- Slaxxxer - Atheist; Male
- sliptivity - Atheist; Female; Has one video mocking religion.
- SmilingSkeptic - Atheist
- smpunditz - Atheist; Male; Makes many anti-Christian videos and responds to many apologists.
- Snowfeet - Atheist
- SnowWalkerOne - Atheist, Buddhist; Male
- SolRosenberg84 - Atheist; Male;
- somegreybloke - Atheist
- SonOfRea - Atheist
- sonnygll - Atheist; Male; Discusses philosophical concepts and morality.
- soulfetcher - Atheist; Male
- soundlessdawn - Atheist; Male
- soundofscilence - Atheist, Biochemistry(?) Geology(?) student; Male
- SnowWalerOne - Atheist; Female;
- spaceagebachelor - Atheist
- SpaceRip - Atheist; Male; Makes astronomy videos.
- spikesmth - Atheist
- SpiritKeeper - Atheist
- spiritualbully - Atheist
- Spontatheist - Atheist; Female
- Squagnut - Atheist
- squirrly001 - Agnostic
- stealthbadger - Atheist;
- stefbot - Atheist; Male; Talk show discussing politics and religion.
- Stefzula - Atheist; Female
- stopspamming1 - Atheist
- straightd0pe - Atheist
- supersmash43 - Atheist
- SuperSoylent - Atheist; Male;
- SwissTopper - Atheist
- tattooskin72 - Atheist
- TaylorX04 - Atheist
- Tcrowaf - Atheist
- tdarnell - Atheist; Male; Makes astronomy videos.
- TEDtalksDirector - Neutral; Unknown;
- telos34 - Atheist; Male; Discusses William Lane Craig.
- templenature - Atheist; Male
- tenneral - Atheist
- Th1sWasATriumph - Atheist
- thalamay - Atheist;
- thatgaybloke - Atheist
- ThatOneQuestion - Atheist
- Darwin Finches The Darwin Finches - Atheist
- Irish Atheist The Irish Atheist - Atheist
- TheAist - Atheist; Male; Makes many atheistic videos on various topics.
- TheAmazingAtheist - Atheist; Male; Discusses many topics, often revolving around criticisms of Christianity.
- TheAmazingJesusShow - Atheist; Male; Duplicate Channel of kevintthoms?
- TheAmura - Atheist
- TheAnniepies - Atheist
- TheAtheistExperience - Atheist; N/A; Atheist talk show where Christians can call in and discuss religious topics.
- theatheistguy - Atheist; Male
- TheBadAstronomer - Atheist, Astronomer
- TheBoyFromNorfolk - Atheist; Male
- TheCurmudgen - Atheist
- TheEarthAbides - Atheist
- TheEnglishAtheist - Atheist
- TheFaithCheck - Atheist;
- TheFearmonger - Atheist
- TheGhostOfSabotage - Atheist; Male
- thegreatblondactor - Atheist; Male
- TheIronAtheist - Atheist
- TheistsAreMorons - Atheist
- TheJamesPope - Atheist
- TheLaughingOut - Atheist
- TheLibertyLion - Atheist; Male
- TheLivingDinosaur - Atheist
- TheModestAgnostic - Agnostic; Male;
- TheNakedAtheist - Atheist;
- Theologikos - Atheist
- Theology1O1 - Theist, Agnostic; Male; Discusses the existence of God and the Kalam Cosmological Argument.
- TheoreticalBullshit - Atheist; Male; Discusses philosophy.
- TheOriginalHamster - Atheist
- TheOtherSide100 - Atheist
- ThePaganAtheist - Atheist
- thepathlesspath - Atheist
- ThePhantomLion - Atheist; Male
- TheraminTrees - Atheist
- therationalizer - Atheist
- therationalskeptic - Atheist
- TheReasonWhyGuy - Atheist
- therecoveringzombie - Atheist, Masters in Psychology;
- theroguemoon - Atheist; Male
- theRSAorg - Neutral; N/A
- TheScienceFoundation - Atheist
- thestreetsofny - Atheist
- ThetaOmega - Atheist
- thewoodsofjordan - Deist(?), Atheist(?); Male
- TheZGRL - ATheist
- TheThinkingAtheist - Atheist; Male; Atheist podcasts, discusses Biblical immorality and other criticisms of Christianity.
- TheTruePooka - Atheist
- TheYoungTurks - Neutral; N/A
- ThinkAgainCFI - Atheist; N/A
- thinkmorepink - Atheist
- ThoughtfulAtheist - Atheist; Male;
- Thunderf00t - Atheist
- toddlusk - Atheist
- TOMMYfromtheBRONX - Atheist; Male; Makes multiple videos about atheism.
- tooferman - Atheist; Male
- tooltime9901 - Atheist; Male;
- ToryMagoo44 - Atheist(?); Female; Anti-scientology
- TrenchantAtheist - Agnostic
- TrollingWithLogic - Atheist
- troy2062 - Atheist; Male
- TrustingDoubt - Atheist, Psychologist Ph.D.; Female
- TruthSurge - Atheist
- Tsukasamacleod - Atheist
- tuesdayafternoon - Atheist; Male
- TXHalabi - Atheist
- Tylzen - Atheist
- ubergossen - Atheist; Male; Defends atheism and makes arguments against theists on various topics.
- Ujames1978 - Atheist; Male
- unassumption - Atheist, Biochemistry student; Male
- Underlings - Atheist
- Unw0rthy0fn0te - Atheist; Male; Discusses morality.
- upandopen - Neutral; Unknown; Several videos with debates and interviews.
- urbanelf - Atheist; Male;
- VerdantNight - Atheist; Female
- verdofacto - Atheist
- Vforvogter2100 - Atheist
- victimlesscriminal - Atheist
- village1diot - Atheist
- Vitoldian - Atheist; Male
- Vogter2100 - Atheist
- VoodooSixxx - Atheist
- wayman29 - Atheist
- WayOfTheBastard - Atheist; Male
- Wes964 - Atheist
- WeThinkAtheist - Atheist
- whitelightning1161 - Atheist
- WhyEvolutionIsTrue - Atheist
- WhyEvolutionIsTrue2 - Atheist
- Widgetas - Atheist
- wilderssupport - Atheist
- wildwoodclaire1 - Atheist
- WineisyourFriend - Atheist; Male
- WiseMonkey888 - Atheist
- WizardJim - Atheist
- WolfSyndrome - Atheist
- wolfwing1 - Atheist;
- XOmniverse - Atheist
- xCrowMagnuSx - Atheist; Female
- xxxild - Atheist
- xxxthepeachxxx - Atheist; Female
- YesIamJames - Atheist;
- yoshemo1 - Atheist, Psychology student
- YoungThinkingAtheist - Atheist
- YourBrainOnReligion - Atheist
- Zaunstar - Atheist
- Zierota - Atheist
- ZJemptv - Atheist
- zombeepictureshow - Atheist, Ph.D. Math? Physics?, Chaos Theorist; Male
- ZOMGitsCriss - Atheist
- ZuluFightrunner - Atheist
- zzz33333 - Atheist; Male
This page is fully editable to add in new names. The original authors of this page are from creationwiki. Original authors included, Shinydarkrai94, Tsommer, and Walsheternal. This page exists under the GNU free documentation license.